Thursday, April 9, 2009

Okay, I feel like such a slacker since I haven't posted in 3 months. It's been hanging over my head but there always seems to be something else demanding my time. Mark deployed 2 weeks ago today and is overseas in the middle east. He is still settling in and isn't sure whether this 4 month stint is going to go fast or slow. Probably a little of both! Madsen and I are doing great at home though, enjoying the beautiful weather of Abilene, the friendly people, and all the little projects around the house. We have had lots of people offer to help if we ever find ourselves in a pinch.

We also want to send our congratulations out to our Philly/Boston friends Hari and Heather Sundram who just announced they are expecting their first child! They will be amazing parents and we, knowing how awesome being a first-timer is, are so excited for them.

Madsen is growing and changing so much. He brings me so much happiness, laughter, and satisfaction. He makes me wish I could have a dozen kids. He is working on sitting up, eating solid foods, and going to sleep on his own. Last night I went into his room to check on him before I went to bed and found him like this. I couldn't help but chuckle a little...poor little jailbird!


  1. Hey! Mark sent us your blog address through email. It's fun to catch up. Congrats on Madsen, he is such a cute little guy! And I absolutely love your new house. You'll have to post more pics of it. Hope Mark is doing well and that his time away will go by quickly. If you want, you can check out our blog at

  2. Oh Jenn!!! Madsen is darling!!!!! I can't believe that Mark has been deployed! I wish I were closer so that I could help out and when you were bored we could play games and Madsen could have 5 friends to play with!!!! Miss you xoxoxo Stephanie

  3. i just saw your blog on the Wilkins list. Your little man is so cute--especially in his little hat. I hope all is well with you and your family. We are expecting #4 in about 4 weeks--surprise on whether it's a boy or a girl. I hope you don't mind me checking out your blog. I hope it gets updated often--would love to see how you're doing.

  4. Jenn! It has been so long since I have known anything about you guys! I can't believe how big tye baby is, you were only like 5 months pregnant last time I saw you guys. You are quite a good looking gang! I hope all is well.

  5. Hi Mark and Jen!!!! Wow! It was so fun running into your blog! We've wondered how you guys have been doing. Congrats on your (not so new anymore) little guy...he's so handsome! We'd love to hear more of how you guys are doing. Shoot us an email and we'll invite you to see our blog.

  6. So we would really appreciate photos of your little guy on this blog sometime before you hit your year mark of NOT blogging. We miss you and can't wait to hear when #2 is born. Another boy or girl, by the way? We're out of the loop.

  7. That is such a cute picture of Madsen! I wonder how creative he'll be in trying to escape in the future.
